Wednesday, 26 December 2018

Going to Get Better

I actually wrote this caption for Christmas last year's but didn't have the time to finish it. Luckily, there's a Christmas every year and I get another chance to publish it. Merry Christmas, happy holidays and a fantastic New Year to you and everyone you know!

There's a slight chance that I might actually start to wrtite some more captions again... We'll have to see!


Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Rich and Good-Looking - Follow-Up

Link to the original:
Rich and Good-Looking

After several months of inactivity, I finally managed to finish up this story!

Once I just have time, I'll explain more about my future plans and captioning schedule...


Monday, 2 April 2018

There's Going to Be a Change

Two months ago, I said that tomorrow I would tell you all more about my captioning schedule and future plans... Then, stuff happened. These have been the busiest two months of my life so far, but now I'm back! I try to get the info out as soon as I can.

Also, I hope that you enjoy this never before seen multi-parter story! I originally planned and wrote it a long time ago but wasn't really happy with the result... Recently, I then decided to completely rework it. ^^


Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Rich and Good-Looking

Link to the follow-up:
Rich and Good-Looking - Follow-Up

My original plan was to complete this caption in one run but it seems that the "would-be part C" still needs some work. Therefore, I will  still continue this story, but instead of revealing it all right away, I'll post the last part a bit later as a "follow-up" caption.

More info about my schedule coming up tomorrow.